Sunday, October 3, 2010

The Emperors New Clothes

We all can recall that story told to us as children, of a vain king and a crafty tailor. The king wished to comission the most beautiful and elaborate set of clothes imagineable, and the tailor promised it to him. The king provided the tailor with a small fortune with which to purchase the finest materials to create the ultimate fashion statement. However, greed overcame the tailor, and, instead of using the money to create the kings comissioned masterpiece, he instead pocketed the money, and came up with a plan to deceive the king.

The next day the tailor made his way to the castle, a large bag slung over his shoulder. When the time came to reveal to the king the beautiful garment for which he had spent so much of his gold, the tailor reached into his bag, he pulled out...nothing. He held the nothing aloft in the air for everyone to see.

"This!" he said brandishing the nothingness in his hands "is a robe made of magical cloth! most expensive and rare of all silks! It is only visible to the wisest and strongest men, good king, can you see how beautiful it is? Does this rare and beautiful garment suit you and your glory?" The king could of course, could not see the cloth, because of course, there was nothing there.

"Err..... Yes good tailor! I can see your glorious creation! It's beauty is beyond description! I would be honored to wear such a robe!" and so the king dawned the suit of nothing, and the tailor made his way from the castle, much, much richer.

The king wore the suit for days, flaunting it to his subjects. Insisting on its beauty, telling all that if they could not see it, they were foolsih indeed. One day, the king held a grand parade in his own honor, so that all the kingdom could witness the beauty of his magnificent new clothes. The citizens lined the streets, eager to see the robes that were the talk of the entire kingdom. Finally, the king took to the streets, the citizens of the kingdom could see no robes, but they oooohed, and aaaahed nonetheless, not wishing to appear ignorant, until finally a small child pointed to the king and yelled, "Look there, that idiot is naked!"

The crowd immediately fell silent, and the king angrily turned on the boy, who was laughing unceasingly at the infuriated king. slowly, a roar of laughter spilled through the crowd and soon, all the citizens of the land we're laughing and pointing at the once proud king. The king's face redened as he looked down at his beautiful new clothes, and finally he hung his head in shame. He was indeed naked.

This is a phenomena sweeping the world, we all have been blinded by the desire to feel "smart" or "hip" and have embraced styles and trends and are, in a word, stupid.

Why do so many of us love pop diva Lady Ga Ga? is it because she is wildly talented, beautiful, and ground breakingly original? or is she, infact, just NUTS!?!? We embrace her, because if we stood up and said HEY SHES CRAZY, we would be told that we lack the depth necessary to understand her unique brand of genius. Well, guess what! she's just NAKED, and your are just as stupid as she is! thanks for playing!

Another example of the phenomena at work is the movie "Inception". Thousand's of fans have flocked to movie theaters around the world to view this "Deeply thought provoking film" just to find themselves hours of their wasted lives later, stumbling out of a dark movie theater with a dumbstruck look on their face. Later, among friends, they'll pretend to get the movie, and praise it and all its glory, when in reality, deep down inside, it sill makes absolutely no sense. Why are you still confused? because there is nothing to make sense of! it makes NO sense, and wasn't meant to! you were simply presented with a long drab film that hides its inadequacy behind a mask of "artistic genius"!

I urge you, open your eyes to the naked among you, and don't be afraid to point them out to others! Don't be afraid of looking uncultured or stupid, instead, save others from a plague of rapidly spreading idiocy!

Your Friend,

The littlest Blogger


  1. Hmm... I'm not exactly sure why you sent me here.

    Didn't your original post have to do with anger? I'm confused. And now afraid to say so.

    (I will hesitate from explaining Inception to you because it will make me look like a jackass and you look like a... well, I won't say it. Trust me: the movie makes perfect sense if you follow the levels of the dreams. Get the DVD and track it on a pad of paper. LEVEL 1: airplane. Then Level 2 is dream layer 1 etc etc -- it all makes sense.)

    So... I like this post and certainly want to talk about the Emperors New Clothes but I think a better analogy wouldn't be one where everyone follows lady Gaga but one where in everyone insists on being forced to say that they KNOW something is TRUE when in fact they do not know shit.

  2. Wow. I never thought I'd hear you criticize Lady Gaga. I actually did understand Inception. I don't really know what there is to get. I mean it's hard to keep track of all of the rules they set up for the dreamstates, and the ending is purposfully ambiguous but it's not like it's a rock opera that is impenitrably vague and incomprehensible. It's just an action sci fi movie. What doesn't make sense?

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