Thursday, October 21, 2010

“Our Nation is going to the dogs!”

“There’s nothing good on TV these days!”

“The news is so liberal biased now!”

“There aren’t enough jobs to go around!”

“Higher education is too expensive!”

“My hot pocket is still frozen in the middle!”

Human beings are complainers. We whine and we cry, we bitch and we moan, about EVERYTHING. We complain to our families, our friends, our neighbors and teachers. We complain ABOUT our FRIENDS, FAMILIES, NEIGHBORS, AND TEACHERS. HELL! This blog itself is a complaint about how much we as a race complain, spewed out into cyberspace for all to hear! Everything is wrong, everything is broken! We’ve been so caught up in the bad lately, we’ve forgotten the good. The topics most commonly discussed around the water cooler are about what we lack, what we need, what we think we deserve. We talk about what’s done wrong, why it’s wrong, and how it’s only going to get worse. Why don’t we ever talk about what’s done right?

There’s still good in the world! It’s always happy hour somewhere right? Somewhere a child was born. Somewhere, someone just fell in love. Somewhere, someone is eating a Milky Way candy bar! So, why not dwell, just for a moment, on all that is great. I share with you my friends, a list or all that is still good, right, and true with this world. This is a list of what makes my life worth living, in no particular order. Enjoy!

1: Chocolate
2: The cold side of the pillow
3: Family and friends who love me for me
4: The Value menu, ANY VALUE MENU (Except Arby’s. Seriously guys? Really?)
5: Santa Claus
6: Steven Colbert
7: Singing the Guitar Solo
8: Shark Week
9: Random Dancing in Public Places
10: That one person who laughs when you tell a really bad joke
11: The Budweiser Frogs
12: You know what? Any and all beer commercials are pretty awesome
13: Scott Pilgrim V.S. The World
14: Spellchecker
15: Driving the highway really late at night when the roads are empty
16: Mountain Dew
17: The Platypus
18: Boy Meets World Re-Runs
19: American football
20: Air Guitar
21: The Safety Dance
22: That’s What She Said
23: Hugs
24: Cinnamon Toast Crunch
25: Listening to your new favorite song over and over just to learn the lyrics
26: Rubbing someone’s newly shaved head and making a wish
27: Rain
28: Jesus Sandals
29: Knowing all the words to “ICE ICE BABY”
30: Your favorite pair of jeans
31: Hilary Fullmer (here’s looking at you kid ;) )
32: High Fiving Babies
33: Snow Days
34: The ability to settle any dispute with a game of rock, paper, scissors
35: Any food that requires wet-naps or napkins to eat
36: A healthy colon
37: Any and all additions of Super Smash Brothers
38: Walking through the wall with an extremely attractive friend and having everyone stare out you like they’re amazed you’re together
39: You’re set of wheels from your high school days
40: Doing the moonwalk in your socks on a hardwood floor (or any other smooth surface)
41: When you sneeze and a stranger say’s bless you
42: Finally finding Waldo
43: The moment at a concert when the crowd finally figure’s out what song their playing up there!
44: 11:11
45: Per-diddle
46: Being slobby in a hotel room because you know you don’t have to clean it up
47: Homemade cookies
48: My Mom
49: Your Mom! Oh snap!
50: Finding out someone actually reads your blog other than your mother

And that’s just for starters! There is so much out there that makes life AWESOME! Think about it! Make a list of your own! Post it in my comment box! Do it! I dare, find 50 things that make you smile!

Yours Truly,
The Littlest Blogger

1 comment:

  1. Well... I'm chiming in at number 50 for Chris! I read your blog, beyatch. And I love this list, not so much for what it includes, but for what it excludes! You are alive in a way that your fellows are not and you are embracing it. Nice one!
